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Primary Attraction

When it comes to courtship, attraction is the point from where it all kick-starts and firing up. Getting attracted towards member of the opposite gender means unconsciously or involuntarily noticing and paying extra/special attention to physical, aesthetic and personality attributes with pleasure and spontaneity. Getting attracted to an individual is inviting the same individuals attention too. It’s way of making others to re-direct their attention towards ourselves.

Eyes speak volume in attraction.

When we find something interesting and attention worthy, our facial framework goes through dramatic makeover in no time. Facial muscles get stretched to remove wrinkles, eyebrows are slightly raised, eyelids are considerably lifted and a faint smile lingers on face. Off course, attraction has most to do with eyes since they receive all visual clues and express interest.

If what we are looking are at is more appealing then our pupils get dilated enormously within milliseconds and stay so for 2-3 seconds. It’s most powerful precursor to attraction. That's why looking or making others to look into eyes is the crux of courtship.

Moreover, our torso starts pointing towards the person we feel attractive. We turn our face towards it. If we wear glasses, we slightly adjust them. We capitalize every opportunity to look at the person. We appear more attentive, eager and open for listening the person.

Attracting someone's attention has to do with looking differently than others because its hardwired in our brains to pay attention to things which appear different than that are typical or what we routinely observe. Primary attraction is mostly subjected to appearance, looks and aesthetics. It the very first step of courtship.

Along with gathering a huge amount of visual informations, eyes convey emotions, feelings, intentions and moods. They're a very critical part of human body language.

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