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September 29, 2010

“The Expression of Emotions in Man and Animals”

We have been continuously facing various environmental, social and psychological challenges since millions of years. However, facing and overcoming challenges will continue until we go extinct. Despite of modern technologies and inventions, we live almost same way the other creatures do. Yet most of us would out-rightly deny with anger that we are just the advanced technological creatures. The denial doesn't changes the facts.

Though we share most of our characteristics with other creatures, it might be quite hard for most of us to regard ourselves as an 'animal race'. Though scientific and technological advancements separate humans from other of creatures, this accomplishment has been done in over a tiniest period of the entire history of evolution. Believe it or not but we're very young species according to the entire Earth's biological history.

Common Human and Ape ancestry

Sir Charles Darwin, the one of the founders of “Theory of Evolution” was once criticized through a cartoon in which he was depicted as an ape, holding a mirror in front of another ape’s face which is seating next to him. Even today, an individual is publicly taunted as 'monkey' due to his/her behavior similar to monkeys.

In 19th century, contemporary society and scientific community couldn’t accept his conclusion drawn after his decades of study and research that apes (higher primates) and we share common ancestry. Debate is still continue, both in support and opposition of Darwinism.

However, a very few of us might know and duly recognize that same revolutionary genius has ultimately laid the firm foundation stones of modern science of the human emotions, their expressions, body language and nonverbal communication.

He also succeeded in finding and establishing similarities between human and animal expressions. Later, most other scientists and researchers re-visited, re-studied, re-verified and re-introduced the same conclusions in one or the another way.

His famous book “The expression of emotions in man and animals” is one of the preliminary writings that covers valuable conclusions drawn after closely observing humans and animals communicating nonverbally.

Today, modern scientific world has being trying to find out origin of different behaviors and their variations. Many psychologists and behavioral researchers have given contribution to this interesting field after Darwin.

Eventually, this quest has brought revolution in this field of social and communication sciences. It's your curiosity about the same has brought to you to this website.

It's none other than the Darwin's greatest gift for all of us is shedding a bright light on human behavior, body language, emotions and their expressions.

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September 20, 2010

Is "Nonverbal" an alien way of communication?

This age is indeed the age of massive revolution in human communication. We’re constantly, continuously and consistently being introduced to newer technologies, platforms, channels, devices and gadgets. Positively, many superficial factors are being rectified by latest neuro-psychological research by anticipating future challenges.

Along with all of these things, we’re hearing a new buzz word “Body Language” and this dialect is gaining considerable amount of attention, right from our homes to the corporate offices worldwide. The phrase is being used by people from age groups almost everywhere.

Some experts are couching us to help shaping effective, smart and friendly ways which could benefit us personally, professionally, financially, socially and nevertheless romantically. So does it mean that body language is an entirely new dialect itself? Is "Nonverbal" an alien way of communication?

Several research projects over body language and nonverbal communication began in 19th century and their common conclusions were both startling and enlightening for all of us. Body Language and Nonverbal Communication is being used by us unconsciously from millions of years. Also, it remained evolving along with us while facing new psycho-sociological challenges.

Our ancestors developed, evolved and used it as a common communication platform for very need of survival and socialization before any verbal language evolved. Even after verbal languages or dialects coming into existence, body language is still effective but most of us are not aware of it. In modern era, we use body language to support verbal communication but almost unconsciously.

Since the words are unnecessarily emphasized almost all the time, we are becoming more and more mutually ignorant about expression of emotions, feelings, motives and intentions. We're ultimately inviting the lack of deeper mutual understanding, reciprocity and empathy everywhere.

Are we becoming social dummies?

Our personal, professional and social relationships are at risk due to not expressing ourselves and interpreting each other accurately as our ancestors did. Though some languages are endangered due to not fulfilling some contemporary demands-standards and aversive to change, body language is unchallenged and it exists globally.

We communicate throughout the day almost nonverbally, over our entire life span. We have bodies and we talk through them. It’s at the core of our emotions, feelings, motives and intentions urges so doubting about it is just like underestimating struggle for survival of our own race.

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September 16, 2010

Survival of Communicator

Human race has successfully survived from last couple of millions of years not because of its intelligence and skills to adapt well and efficiently in different environments, climates and physical conditions but also effective interpersonal, social and strategic communication. In fact, larger brain evolved in us to develop better understanding about and communicate efficiently with each other.

Effective, timely and harmonious social communication is not only about exchanging facts, data and info with clarity and accuracy but also building mutual trust and confidence to be able to avert dangerous, to fight adversities, to overcome challenges and to capitalize opportunities for surviving over a longer period of time. Thus communication can make difference between life and death.

In this modern age, we mostly communicate with help of words and numbers. However words share only a few percentage of the personal insights in comparison to what body reveals. Literal meaning of words can be acknowledged but motivations or intentions behind them may not be exactly understood if we don’t pay attention to pronunciations, body language and facial expressions of person that utters them.

Nonverbal Communication is universal.

As like other creatures, we evolved to communicate primarily through bodily expressions because they are definite and apparent. A calm and cheerful person relaxing in a reclined chair gives away a pleasant and non-threatening clues whereas an out-crying infant expresses helplessness and an urge of immediate attention by others. Hence, no special training or experience is required for interpreting basic emotional expressions.

What exactly makes us as a superior race on this planet is our social and emotional reciprocation with each other which doesn't happen only with the help of the words and numbers. What lies in our future is completely unpredictable but one this is certain that the nature would support the survival of better communicator.

According to my contemplation, Communication cannot be separated from (being in) Existence itself in the first place. Everything that exists does consciously or unconsciously, directly or indirectly, subtly or overtly and silently or loudly sends out different kinds of hints, clues, signals and messages.

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1) Evolution of Nonverbal communication 2) "The expression of emotions in man and animals" 3) "Nonverbal" is alien way of communication? 4) Emotional expressions are manipulated 5) Women are body language experts 6) Unlimited potentials of nonverbal knowledge 7) Basic Emotional Expressions 8) Body Language Brain 9) Fear Factor