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The ways woman provokes her man to be protective

The women who seek a long term (romantic) relationship have a large arsenal of nonverbal clues to woo their desired male partners. However, some questions are equally puzzling to both men and courtship experts such as What exactly makes a man go weak in the knees for a woman (over a longer period)? Why testosterone fueled guys fall flat for the women they strongly like? What expressional and biological signals are given away by women?

Most of the men reading this article might have gone crazy once or many times for the women they got attracted to. Also, most of the women reading this article may not have any idea about why they change dramatically in appearance, expressions and behavior while wooing the desired men. During courtship, both men and women appear completely changed over a considerable amount of time.

Its secret is hidden deeply inside the physical and psychological features of the fairer sex. Courtship signals are a mixture of signals, clues and hints of attraction, availability, fertility (vigor) and compatibility. However, another spectrum of expressional and biological signal is used by most of the woman in attempt to turn their desired males very gooey and softer towards them.

No matter if you're a man or a women reading this article but it might sound extremely funny yet equally childish to you to know that women try to provoke protectiveness or protective feeling in their desired/targeted men both during and even after courtship through a range of both unconscious and deliberate nonverbal, body language and behavioral clues.

Most of the men and women are naturally inclined to protect and nurture the harmless, innocent and helpless babies. This gives very pleasant feelings and deep satisfaction. It’s the only physical, psychological and motor characteristics of the newborns and adolescents that most people even fight with any odds, risk their own lives and even sacrifice themselves to protect them.

Actually, watching, cuddling and playing with babies is a great stress relieving and delighting experience in which only good hormones are secreted. Most of us feel very happy, fulfilled, relaxed and positively charged after spending time with babies. Don't we?

Babies have a considerable amount of body fat, curvy physique, very soft skin, nearly hairless body, fair complexion (as compared to grown-ups), soft vocal tone (with low volume), fewer defensive tactics, uncoordinated body movements, a lot of energy, enormous curiosity and playful disposition. Their defenselessness silently motivates the elder people to protect them.

As famous biologist Dr. Desmond Morris has rightly mentioned, (most) women retain juvenile (or child like) features throughout their reproductive age (fecundity). This is not typically found in (most) men because secretion of testosterone multiplies in their bodies after puberty. They become more muscular and rough.

Across the board, (fertile) women have considerable amount of body fat, curvy physique, juvenile faces, soft hair, soft skin, sweet vocal tone, animated facial expressions, attractive body movements and appealing sympathetic and parasympathetic displays e.g. blushing.

Most of the women themselves may not at all ever realize it consciously but they subconsciously, tactically or wisely capatalise their juvenile (or child like) vocal, physical, psychological and intellectual features over a longer period in their life-time to attract, to court and also to retain the desirable men.

After observing a woman giving away such signals, a man unconsciously feels an urge to protect her i. e. the ‘child like’ lady. Also, the man engages himself in complementary displays to portray a hero, a hunter, a warrior, a guardian or even a virtual father who tries to protect and narture her. These mutually beneficial expressional and behavioral adaptations by both men and women attracted towards each other underlines traditional roles of both genders.

After attracting attention of the desired man and assuring that he's watching or looking at her, she tries to act as a playful and curious infant. Smiling, talking in a soft and melodious voice, giggling, gesticulating in a playful manner, palming face, putting fingers in mouth, making silly mistakes, walking joyfully, fumbling and animating facial expressions is enough to entice protective favors from the man. Her coy smile conveys harmless intentions and the chin down face expresses her submissiveness.

Increased circulation of blood inside the facial skin or blushing of upper body (especially cheeks and neck) conveys innocence, emotional excitement and an urge of covering like an unprotected child. Have you seen babies with maximize blood circulation in outer layer of skin (epidermis) right after few moment of their birth?

By applying makeup on face, she tries to appear appealing, youthful and more specifically - baby like. She draws man's attention towards her most attractive and appealing features i. e. eyes, cheeks and lips. By doing hair in such a way that face looks smaller in size, she tries to imitate a child seeking nourishment, affection and protection.

By wearing vividly colorful (tight) outfits, fidgeting with them and playing with her hair quite often; she tries to draw attention of the man towards herself and at her face and eyes. This act is similar to how the cute little babies trying to attract strong attention from the adults around them.

By repetitively capitalizing a few body language cues like smiling, shrugging shoulders, showing open palms, deflating body posture and showing inner side of the wrist; women do convey their vulnerable and friendly side to men so that it could provoke them to be protective.

Through all these acts and expressions, she tries to seek the assurance that the man she is attracted to her is able to protect or not. After giving away signals, clues or hints of availability and compatibility, these ‘juvenile’ signals are intermixed with fertility signals and clues.

It has also been found that women with greater amount of estrogen and progesterone in their bodies tend to have and display more child like facial, physical, para-linguistic and motor (related to movements) features. To complement with the same, men having higher levels of protective feelings and who are ready to risk themselves, tend to feel more attracted towards 'juvenile' women.

In other words, juvenile characteristics and its display is a way to examine the men for their will, preparedness, resourcefulness and capability to protect and nurture women. Such inherent physical and mental qualities in most men help both of them in succeeding in romance, reproduction, child care and also the long term relationship. A human child needs stable and long-term parenting.

The evolutionary purpose behind this kind of attraction could be basically straight and simple i. e. the men having greater protective capabilities and resources should take care of and pair with 'infantile' women. Also, women themselves are attracted to 'juvenile' looking men and women because of their deep biological impulse to nurture babies.

In today’s modern, technological and economically liberal world; the women who attract attention of their desired men give away signals, clues or hints that are quite similar to what ancestral women might have done thousands and millions of year ago to gain attention of men. Moreover, these acts, signals and clues are almost universal.

Protecting the Damsel in distress

Even after forming a strongly romantic or a committed relationship, these kinds of signals are still given away by her almost throughout the life because she needs nourishment, affection and protection on the constant basis.

Related Articles:
1) Women are body language experts 2) Courtship and Dance 3) Woman's Courtship Body Language (Part 1) 4) Woman's Courtship Body Language (Part 2) 5) Man's Courtship Body Language 6) Why women apply makeup on face?


  1. A nice article on women giving away juvenile expressions during courtship! Good observation.

  2. Staunchly putting the whole argument of feminism aside, this is a great article! Gives insight to May/December romance among other things!

    1. Thanks a lot! It's about natural instinct and social necessity.


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