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**Global Warning**

'Environmentalist' is the most deceptive word because it conveniently separates a few percentage of individuals who publicly outcry, prioritize and warn others about environment, sustainability and biodiversity from those who don't.

Should only environmentalists lose their sleep over Clean air, Pure water, Fertile soil and Rich biodiversity? Would rest of us continue living without facing any consequences of environmental crisis?

We human assume that we rule, control, dictate and dominate the whole Earth but it's entirely false. Actually, our own existence is entirely dependent on the subtle balance and harmony among different micro-organisms, both inside and outside our bodies.

If rich diversity of the millions of healthy species would rapidly decline then we would have to weigh an unimaginably heavy burden of deadly viruses and pathogens.

WE DONT KNOW that how exactly the most dominant organisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi and algae) would react and respond to Climate Change, Massive Pollution and Ecological Imbalance.

Micro-organisms (bacteria and viruses) contribute to 90 % of Earth's dynamic and mightiest biomass. Human contribution to the same biomass is only 1 %. Is it even comparable?

Many species of creatures might have altered climate of Earth in the history, pushed other of species of creatures to extinction and themselves gone extinct too in the same process.

However, we've massively polluted, contaminated and interfered in different well-balanced Ecosystems along with our own bodies with chemicals, compounds and substances that don't occur naturally. This is utterly unprecedented!

Perhaps, conveniently believing that intelligence or problem solving ability is only limited to the larger brain of a so-called 'dominant' species is the greatest human blunder.

We're just one among the millions of successful species of creatures that have been living on Earth, since millions of years.

We know way too much than our ancestors and primitive tribes but we're not living sustainably like them at all. Rich biodiversity assures mutual survival but we're destroying the same at a rapid rate.

Earth's biosphere would definitely recover from the destruction after thousand or millions years but entire human race would face an enormous, deeper and permanent damage. We're already on the brink of extinction.

We've opened a gigantic Pandora Box of ecologically unsuitable and untested shortcuts, methods, materials, technologies, techniques and tricks to achieve and maintain comfort, speed, prosperity, abundance and economical growth.

We're so obsessed with our power, wealth, science, knowledge, technologies, intelligence and so-called achievements. However, all other organisms have been living on Earth since millions of years without doing WHAT WE HAVE DONE.

Most of us are talking about the massive emission of Carbon Dioxide only. Actually, Nitrous Oxide and Methane gases are more potent than Carbon Dioxide in accelerating the Global Warming and they could make the whole matter worse.

We must ra;pidly change our agricultural practices, drastically reduce the meat production and dearly protect the permafrost from melting down completely. It's urgent!

The grand outcry about 'Global Warming' and 'Climate Change' must be replaced with the initiatives for 'Pollution Control', 'Waste Management', 'Waste Reduction/Recycling' innovations and revolutions.

The level of industrial pollution is directly proportionate to the level of demands for the consumption of end products. We simply can't outcry about increasing pollution and keep consuming madly at the same time.

Only planting billions of trees, running fusion reactors, driving electric cars, riding bicycles and using LED bulbs wouldn't rapidly revert the damages done to the entire biosphere and different ecosystems.

Level of adulteration, pollution and contamination is enormous. Hence usage of various man-made chemicals, compounds, materials and substances must be brought under tight regulations. Will it happen for sure?

Modern human world and its economy is majorly driven by production and consumption of products. This has resulted into creating the massive amount of waste that is not recycled, degraded or decomposed at rapid rate naturally.

In nature, almost everything is slowly recycled by different forces, elements and micro-organisms. Even our bodies hardly leave any trace, after a few years after our demise.

We all have contributed to the climate crisis so this is a global issue and nobody is going escape from its deadliest outcomes. Solving this global issue needs global contribution and adaptational changes.

Big transformations need to be brought in material development, emission control, waste recycling, energy consumption and environmental education.

The greatest question is that HOW MUCH WE'RE UNITED AND COMMITED FOR THE SAME?

Soil is capable of holding an enormous amount of Carbon within itself but massive deforestation, mechanized farming, chemical fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides and herbicides have led to the release of an enormous amount of Carbon Dioxide into atmosphere.

Carbon Farming would greatly help in putting huge amount of Carbon back into soil and also grow good food. I'm practising the same from many years.

Fundamentalists, Global Elites, Corporations, Immortalists, Technologists, Oligarchs and Rich/Powerful People may be considering themselves as "the most deserving candidates" to inherit this entire planet for themselves.

However, we don't realize that our collective power, wealth, science, knowledge, technologies, intelligence and so-called achievements neither created the life on Earth nor contributed to rich biodiversity.

There is a strongest reason behind lack of behavioral corrections, reduction in consumption, stronger will power, public pressure on politicians and hard decisions for reducing the rate of climate Change.

Majority of people do compromise the long-term survival, well-being and sustainability for the short-term gains, profits, pleasures, achievements and advantages.


Along with changing our own behavior and growing sustainability, our top priority must be the protection of primitive, indigenous and tribal communities along with their unexploited, unpolluted and biologically diverse lands.

Actually, they're the most sustainable and eco-friendly people of the planet. They have been living in perfect harmony with nature and biodiversity. We need to learn from them.

Are you not at all interested in knowing about the possible FUTURE OF YOURSELF? Please don't forget to read my own hypothesis about the same, by visiting this link - Does humanity have a future?.


  1. Nice article...Keep it up...!!!

  2. Wonderful article. We humans are animals, only a few of us has the capability to have a bird view on humans actions on earth and future outcomes. It is sad that everybody is busy in their own little world worrying about money, education, etc... The effects are clearly visibile, a person cannot walk/jog/cycle in most cities without inhaling polluted air. Plastic is everywhere, I hardly remember an empty land in India without a plastic carry bags.

    1. This is a clear warning and also a message (of hope) to every human being. Our own little worlds are nothing but tiniest copies of the actual world around ourselves. If we've have led to this situation then only we'll pay for and (have abilities to) correct it.


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