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Workspace Etiquette

Dreaming a fabulous job or a profession, greater exposure to opportunities, timely admiration and awards, confidence of succeeding, playfulness, enjoyment and easiness to express yourself? Off course, all these things revolve around hierarchy, work culture, professional environment and management that promise about them to you.

We all spend most of our occupational time at work space. We work on routine basis, stay hours with people surrounding us, interact with them and share different things. It’s all we know and do generally at surface level. But at deeper level, we always send message to others in every form and even at the time we don’t talk.

Each and every piece of verbal and non-verbal communication at work place strongly affects our perception, emotions, energy, physical health, level of satisfaction, sense of togetherness and ultimately the performance and willingness to stay working with people.

Without cooperative and caring people around, feel easy air breathe and sense of well being, rosy rewards and abundance of facilities are just like formal payoff for working in hostile and hazardous environment where no one would likely to venture.

Let’s see how we can make work place wonderful and worthy to keep on working happily.

1) Would we like to start your day with no greetings or good wishes? Definitely not. Every time you reach to office, greet your colleagues with warm and friendly tone and smile.

It doesn’t take too much time and energy but certainly helps in keeping surrounding fresh and people feel good about themselves and ultimately about you.

2) Respect people around you and their precious time. Reasonably acknowledge their presence. Don’t take them granted as they are around you daily. Ask if you can help them anyway.

3) Maintain proper eye contact and stance while listening or approaching to others. Keep the cultural and social norms in mind. Don’t hang over the others. Keep correct distance and posture with member of an opposite gender.

4) Don’t impose your personal issues, headaches, failures and shortcomings by taking out frustration, grudge or anguish on others. Better you seat calmly, take a break, have a walk or discuss it with somebody you feel favorable and let negativity pass by.

5) Avoid formality if it doesn’t fit to given situation or condition. Expression of genuine feelings about others would help in creating good rapport apart of your credentials, authorities and proficiency.

6) Communicate with all others comfortably, fluently and spontaneously. Don’t stay stiff, aggressive, bothering or too much defensive.

Always keep in mind that awkwardness adds to more awkwardness day by day.

7) Complement or Express good wishes to your colleagues on their birthdays, anniversaries, milestones and achievements. Offer gifts and give surprises. It definitely helps in creating a positive atmosphere.

8) Keep concerned persons informed about your unavailability or absence. Making others guessing about your whereabouts during work hours simply wastes their time and develops sense of uncertainty about you.

9) Remember that you are not the owner of anybody's life. Don’t interfere with others' personal lives, relationships and belongings.

10) If you feel that anybody got hurt or offended, express your apologies from bottom of heart and possibly on face. It would let bitterness fall apart between you and others.

11) Have a friendly outlook towards others. Avoid using offensive, obscene or slang words or terms. Don’t bully, grill, dominate or make unfair joke about others.

Avoid undue gossiping and back slapping. Avoid unconformable touch, gestures, gaze and facial expressions.

12) Behave with others politely and in co-operative manner as much as possible. Admire in public and reprimand in private. Don’t beat your own drum at all the time. Everybody has ego and better it’s not hurt.

13) Development of affinity, likability, attraction and attachment between two members of opposite genders is quite natural and understandable.

Respect feelings of others but flirtatious moves or solicitations should be avoided, ignored or discouraged to retain its healthiness. Avoid running into an affair with member of an opposite gender which might spoil career (of both) and devastate existing relationships.

14) Respect the diversity of skin colors, languages/dialects, geographical origins, ethnicity, costumes, traditions and individual practices, aspirations, beliefs etc.

It’s not at all necessary that others should equally posses whatever knowledge, skills or efficiency you have. If everybody’s exactly like you then you couldn’t out-stand. Correct?

Remember that we work together after coming long away from our native places, homes and families. We are to support each other to achieve best things possible with skills and capacities we posses together.

Law of action and reaction works every where. It you want to be happy and feel better about yourself then help others feel same about them.

Unlike rest of the subconscious body language cues, ettiqute need to learned by oneself or taughed by others consciously.

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