You might not remember the very first step took as a child. Before started to walk, we certainly would have stumbled, fallen and tried to stand up again and again. Continuous encouragement, appreciation, empathy and guidance motivated us to take the early steps. Somebody was there who we looked at, followed and seek support from until becoming able to walk on our own. We all started to walk because somebody thought that we ought to do it!
We come across many people after birth but most decisive influence we have on our mind is of parents, caretakers or elders who bring us up. They shape our basic habits, behavior, etiquette and attitude. They train to restrain fear, to soothe distress, to identify crucial signals and triggers, to make way towards what is favorable and safe, to communicate, to socialize and to form bonds that can serve the best interests.
The bond between mother and child is the most fundamental and also the life transforming. Mother not only just feeds and protects a child but also formulates what the same child is mostly likely going to do or be in the future. A secure or an insecure bond between the child and its mother kick starts everything.
Surprisingly, it is the child who continuously follows her to relate, communicate and socialize with others. Indeed, the role of a father in the same is also indisputable. Children learn to express and respond to things and people the way parents do by most. Never forget that children inherit from their biological parents only.
Have you ever observed a child being handover to a stranger by its parents? If not then do closely watch at desperate look of the child and its alert stance. Most of the children look back at the faces of its parents to know their expressions and feelings about the stranger.
Unless they give assurance of no harm from the stranger to the child, it never moves forward or at least stay calm in the company of the stranger. Simply, a child seeks opinion from parents and caretakers until it becomes entirely independent in justifying others.
Even after growing up, we always seek clues from familiar person before moving forward to strangers, new places and novel things. Let’s take a very good example of it. In office or social gathering, we approach to or stay close with the person we know best or feel favorable.
The same person gives information and shares opinion about the others and introduce you with them. Otherwise, imagine a level of anxiety one feels while walking all alone with the crowd of strangers. For succeeding in the vast and complex social world, the proper guidance out of proven experience is the must.
The crucial importance of emotionally adept, encouraging and pro-social parenting would always remain because it assures social survivability, more fulfilling relations and enormous opportunities outside home. More socially mature and relation oriented parents, more their children would likely become the same in future.
It's all starts at home. Children observe the body language of their own parents and check if they're empathetic towards them and others.
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We come across many people after birth but most decisive influence we have on our mind is of parents, caretakers or elders who bring us up. They shape our basic habits, behavior, etiquette and attitude. They train to restrain fear, to soothe distress, to identify crucial signals and triggers, to make way towards what is favorable and safe, to communicate, to socialize and to form bonds that can serve the best interests.
The bond between mother and child is the most fundamental and also the life transforming. Mother not only just feeds and protects a child but also formulates what the same child is mostly likely going to do or be in the future. A secure or an insecure bond between the child and its mother kick starts everything.
Surprisingly, it is the child who continuously follows her to relate, communicate and socialize with others. Indeed, the role of a father in the same is also indisputable. Children learn to express and respond to things and people the way parents do by most. Never forget that children inherit from their biological parents only.
Have you ever observed a child being handover to a stranger by its parents? If not then do closely watch at desperate look of the child and its alert stance. Most of the children look back at the faces of its parents to know their expressions and feelings about the stranger.
Unless they give assurance of no harm from the stranger to the child, it never moves forward or at least stay calm in the company of the stranger. Simply, a child seeks opinion from parents and caretakers until it becomes entirely independent in justifying others.
Even after growing up, we always seek clues from familiar person before moving forward to strangers, new places and novel things. Let’s take a very good example of it. In office or social gathering, we approach to or stay close with the person we know best or feel favorable.
The same person gives information and shares opinion about the others and introduce you with them. Otherwise, imagine a level of anxiety one feels while walking all alone with the crowd of strangers. For succeeding in the vast and complex social world, the proper guidance out of proven experience is the must.
Parents shape their child's social life. |
The crucial importance of emotionally adept, encouraging and pro-social parenting would always remain because it assures social survivability, more fulfilling relations and enormous opportunities outside home. More socially mature and relation oriented parents, more their children would likely become the same in future.
It's all starts at home. Children observe the body language of their own parents and check if they're empathetic towards them and others.
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1) Child inside us 2) Face to Face 3) Emotional Intelligence and Success 4) Women are body language experts 5) Facial Feedback: World smiles with you! 6) Botox hampers emotional awareness 7) Human Interactions in AI Era
Interesting. you may like to consider how the non verbal expressions of the mother during the child development phase.